Maine Basket's
The intricate "Fancy Style" basket of Maine Native American Indian design has a detailed lid which opens. Height 1".Visit product page →
The Cathead basket is of Shaker origin. The name derives from the curvature of the bottom of the basket. At their peak, the Shaker communities were located in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Maine. Width of 5/8".Visit product page →
The Cathead Basket is of Shaker origin. The name derives from the curvature of the bottom of the basket. At their peak, the Shaker communities were located in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Maine.Visit product page →
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The intricate sterling silver "Fancy Style" basket of Maine Native American Indian design has a detailed lid which opens.
This basket from Downeast is oval shaped and filled with Maine blueberries. Width of 3/4".Visit product page →